Prejšnji vikend sem pretičal v delavnici, kjer sem s plinjenjem novoletnih darilnih vrečk barval notranjost svojih dihal. Šumenje spreja je konsistentno motilo nekonsistentno oglašanje Vala 202, kjer je Jure Longyka ob zvočni kulisi komada tipa "Dekle je po vodo šlo" vztrajno napovedoval nekaj v zvezi s nekakšnim hrenom in sladkorjem. Nisem se pustil preveč motiti in sem s smrdljivim aerosolom še nadalje ustvarjal praznično embalažo. Tega papirja je bilo kar precej, in stvar se je zavlekla vse tja do konca Nove elektronike, kjer je voditeljica Mateja Klarič še sama omenila nekaj o Juretu, oddaji Izštekani, in svežem snemanju nove epizode, kjer da bodo Eva Hren in zasedba Sladcore preoblačili slovenske ljudske pesmi.
Tako se je zgodilo, da sva ta petek ob dvaindvajsetih nekako čemerno kobacala po kuloarjih RTV-ja z nekakšno slabo vestjo, da greva v petek zvečer poslušat slovenske ljudske viže. Kmalu pa sva že migala na funky ritme ljudskih besedil in melodij, slečenih in prav okusno preoblečenih v nove, bolj moderne barve in žanre.
Eva Hren, ki jo poznamo iz terceta Katrinas, je s širokim razponom odlično podprla izbrana besedila, Sladcore (Marko Boh - klaviature, Marko Gregorič - kontrabas, Blaž Grm - bobni) podlaga pa je sploh super. Kolikokrat sem na koncertu že doživel "neskončni uvod", to je prijeten začetek, ki mu manjka samo še presežek, da stvar resnično zaživi. Toda tokrat sem direktno "padel not" v glasbo, in prepričali so me že v prvi minuti akcije.
Dobil sem občutek, da je Eva Hren kar navajena na bigbendovski diapazon, kar je bilo pri večini slišanega tudi velik plus in v užitek, zdi pa se mi, da pojačan "volumen" vokala v zaključek sicer nežne pesmi 'Prišla bo pomlad' enostavno ne paše. Živahno zasedbo je omila nekoliko nenavadna izbira gostujočega pevca, ki je ob ob Hrenovi deloval rahlo metaholinsko.
Suma summarum sva preživela izredno prijeten večer, in konec oddaje je kar presenetil občinstvo, tako da smo po koncu oddajanja izsilili še dvojne repete krepko čez polnoč.
Upam, da o zasedbi slišimo še kaj več v prihodnosti. Do takrat pa si lahko zasedbo "ogledate" na njihovem majspejsu.
[en] Val202, our national radio station, is airing a monthly series in which upcoming, new, fresh, alternative, ethno, … you name it … Slovenian musicians play live music and talk about their creative vibes. The show is titled 'Izštekani' and the literal translation would be ‘unplugged’.
So, last weekend I was painting the New-Years gift-bags. The acrylic gift from the spray canisters was in the air, and as well were the sounds of the tuned radio station. I could not help overhearing the audience call for the December’s episode of Izštekani. The narrator was going on about Slovenian folk songs and the dubbed-over background sounded promising.
That’s why this week, we found ourselves standing amongst a bunch of people, anxious for the show to begin, and somewhat disturbed by the fact, that we chose Slovenian folk songs as companions on our Friday night.
But soon the mike was on and we were grooving to the funky folk rhythms, stripped to their sheer lyric and melodic nakedness and then clothed back tastefully to a more modern feel.
It happens to me quite often on events such as this, that I get the feeling of the ‘introduction infinite’, when the performance starts out as promising, and I spend the rest of the event waiting for the rest-of-it to happen. But not this time. I was swept right in the middle of the music and I was prepared to buy in the first minute of the action.
The main vocalist of the evening was Eva Hren (a singer we noticed in the Slovenian trio Katrinas), and the accompanying bend was ‘Sladcore’(a wordplay of the Slovenian word for sugar (which is ‘sladkor’), composed of Marko Boh - keyboards, Marko Gregorič – double bass, Blaž Grm – drums.
Suma summarum an evening very well spent. The end of broadcasting arrived quickly, but our enthusiastic applause did prolong the concert well over midnight.
I hope to hear more from this music crew. Till then, check them out at their Myspace page.
Tako se je zgodilo, da sva ta petek ob dvaindvajsetih nekako čemerno kobacala po kuloarjih RTV-ja z nekakšno slabo vestjo, da greva v petek zvečer poslušat slovenske ljudske viže. Kmalu pa sva že migala na funky ritme ljudskih besedil in melodij, slečenih in prav okusno preoblečenih v nove, bolj moderne barve in žanre.
Eva Hren, ki jo poznamo iz terceta Katrinas, je s širokim razponom odlično podprla izbrana besedila, Sladcore (Marko Boh - klaviature, Marko Gregorič - kontrabas, Blaž Grm - bobni) podlaga pa je sploh super. Kolikokrat sem na koncertu že doživel "neskončni uvod", to je prijeten začetek, ki mu manjka samo še presežek, da stvar resnično zaživi. Toda tokrat sem direktno "padel not" v glasbo, in prepričali so me že v prvi minuti akcije.
Dobil sem občutek, da je Eva Hren kar navajena na bigbendovski diapazon, kar je bilo pri večini slišanega tudi velik plus in v užitek, zdi pa se mi, da pojačan "volumen" vokala v zaključek sicer nežne pesmi 'Prišla bo pomlad' enostavno ne paše. Živahno zasedbo je omila nekoliko nenavadna izbira gostujočega pevca, ki je ob ob Hrenovi deloval rahlo metaholinsko.
Suma summarum sva preživela izredno prijeten večer, in konec oddaje je kar presenetil občinstvo, tako da smo po koncu oddajanja izsilili še dvojne repete krepko čez polnoč.
Upam, da o zasedbi slišimo še kaj več v prihodnosti. Do takrat pa si lahko zasedbo "ogledate" na njihovem majspejsu.
[en] Val202, our national radio station, is airing a monthly series in which upcoming, new, fresh, alternative, ethno, … you name it … Slovenian musicians play live music and talk about their creative vibes. The show is titled 'Izštekani' and the literal translation would be ‘unplugged’.
So, last weekend I was painting the New-Years gift-bags. The acrylic gift from the spray canisters was in the air, and as well were the sounds of the tuned radio station. I could not help overhearing the audience call for the December’s episode of Izštekani. The narrator was going on about Slovenian folk songs and the dubbed-over background sounded promising.
That’s why this week, we found ourselves standing amongst a bunch of people, anxious for the show to begin, and somewhat disturbed by the fact, that we chose Slovenian folk songs as companions on our Friday night.
But soon the mike was on and we were grooving to the funky folk rhythms, stripped to their sheer lyric and melodic nakedness and then clothed back tastefully to a more modern feel.
It happens to me quite often on events such as this, that I get the feeling of the ‘introduction infinite’, when the performance starts out as promising, and I spend the rest of the event waiting for the rest-of-it to happen. But not this time. I was swept right in the middle of the music and I was prepared to buy in the first minute of the action.
The main vocalist of the evening was Eva Hren (a singer we noticed in the Slovenian trio Katrinas), and the accompanying bend was ‘Sladcore’(a wordplay of the Slovenian word for sugar (which is ‘sladkor’), composed of Marko Boh - keyboards, Marko Gregorič – double bass, Blaž Grm – drums.
Suma summarum an evening very well spent. The end of broadcasting arrived quickly, but our enthusiastic applause did prolong the concert well over midnight.
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