nedelja, 21. september 2008

Počasna nedelja

- nedelja, 21. september 2008@19:48 (Ilja)

Zajtrk ob 11h :)
Potem na volišče, kjer sem volil enega, predvsem pa enega ne. Nazaj domov.

Že par mesecev nazaj sva iz Barcelone prinesla ovojnice semena nekega drevesa, ki so podobne malim čolničkom. Sedaj so iz njih nastale jadrnice, katere sem danes končno montiral v okno. O sami izdelavi pa morda kdaj drugič.

Premišljujem tudi, kako bi uredil dvojezičnost in podobo celotnega bloga.

I woke up at 11 and had breakfast.

Went to vote (today the elections for the deputies to the Slovenian National Assembly took place) and made sure that I didn't vote for a specific somebody. Went home.

When we went to Barcelona this year, we took home some seed capsules that looked like little boats. Does anybody know what the tree is called? Anyway, they were 'upgraded' to sailboats and from today on they are hanging in our window.

Also putting some thought into this bilingual thing here. So bear with me till I figure out the system.

1 komentar:

Unknown pravi ...

gasan, je pa res lepo okno

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