Začel in končal se je 19. liffe. Letos je naša gledalna skupina ubrala novo strategijo, ki je vključevala nakup vstopnic v predprodaji. In - obneslo se je. Vsaj meni, ki se imam zahvaliti svojem delovnem urniku, ki sega v poznejši popoldan, da so mi bili ogledani filmi precej všeč. Namreč večkrat mi je bilo potoženo nad "zgodbo" in "celim filmom nasploh" predvajanj v zgodnejšem programu, hehe.
In katere lepljive številke so se obdržale na mojih vstopnicah? Takele misli so se mi podile po glavi:
Ako filma UMETNOST NEGATIVNEGA MIŠLJENJA (Kunsten a tenke negativt, 2007) ne bi bili zamudili krepko preko akademske četrtine, bi mu vsekakor prisodil petico. Moramo si vendarle priznati, da je mikavna ideja hostilnega spreobračanja nepoboljšljivim optimistov in poveličevanje lizanja ran s pristopi tipa 'z macolo nad vetrobransko steklo', takisto. Priporočam za ogled, kadar želite svojo prtljago vsakodnevnih frustracij in težav obesiti na klin.
SNEG (Snijeg, 2008). Simpatična drama s skrajšanim holivodskim koncem, ki opisuje razmere in atmosfero v povojni Bosni in Hercegovini. Zaplet je vojna sama in njen pečat na ljudeh. Šele ko vas doživi svoj closure s pokopom svojih izgubljenih otrok, se vaščani vrnejo nazaj v svojo funkcialno celoto in zaživijo v danes. 'Bog nije ćorava koka.' je stavek, ki utegne priti še kdaj prav. Filmu so gledalci izglasovali tretje mesto.
RAZRED (Entre les Murs, 2008) je vsebinska različica ameriškega filma Dangerous Minds oz. britanskega Ahead of the Class. Toda v pariški učilnici učitelj Francois ne spreminja trenutnih uspehov svojih učencev v prispevek k njihovi penziji, temveč vztrajno in morda na že skoraj na videz stoično guli francosko slovnico do omenoglosti in se z učenci prereka o smislu raznih predpreteklikov. Znanje, ki se predaja v tej učilnici, je konstruktivni dialog, vrlina pa medsebojno spoštovanje. Ko vrlina kratek čas pade, se iskre krešejo. Na koncu šolskega leta dobro 'dobro' ne premaga 'slabo' in družbene norme se ne umaknejo scenaristovim principom in ravno zategadelj je film vreden ogleda. Prav dobro.
Ako filma UMETNOST NEGATIVNEGA MIŠLJENJA (Kunsten a tenke negativt, 2007) ne bi bili zamudili krepko preko akademske četrtine, bi mu vsekakor prisodil petico. Moramo si vendarle priznati, da je mikavna ideja hostilnega spreobračanja nepoboljšljivim optimistov in poveličevanje lizanja ran s pristopi tipa 'z macolo nad vetrobransko steklo', takisto. Priporočam za ogled, kadar želite svojo prtljago vsakodnevnih frustracij in težav obesiti na klin.
SNEG (Snijeg, 2008). Simpatična drama s skrajšanim holivodskim koncem, ki opisuje razmere in atmosfero v povojni Bosni in Hercegovini. Zaplet je vojna sama in njen pečat na ljudeh. Šele ko vas doživi svoj closure s pokopom svojih izgubljenih otrok, se vaščani vrnejo nazaj v svojo funkcialno celoto in zaživijo v danes. 'Bog nije ćorava koka.' je stavek, ki utegne priti še kdaj prav. Filmu so gledalci izglasovali tretje mesto.
RAZRED (Entre les Murs, 2008) je vsebinska različica ameriškega filma Dangerous Minds oz. britanskega Ahead of the Class. Toda v pariški učilnici učitelj Francois ne spreminja trenutnih uspehov svojih učencev v prispevek k njihovi penziji, temveč vztrajno in morda na že skoraj na videz stoično guli francosko slovnico do omenoglosti in se z učenci prereka o smislu raznih predpreteklikov. Znanje, ki se predaja v tej učilnici, je konstruktivni dialog, vrlina pa medsebojno spoštovanje. Ko vrlina kratek čas pade, se iskre krešejo. Na koncu šolskega leta dobro 'dobro' ne premaga 'slabo' in družbene norme se ne umaknejo scenaristovim principom in ravno zategadelj je film vreden ogleda. Prav dobro.
KAR BREZ SKRBI (Happy-Go-Lucky, 2008) so simpatična Lucky in partija, ki kodrajo živce okoličanov s svojo neobremenjenostjo in vsesplošnim zadovoljstvom do življenja. V vsaki situaciji ohranjanje prismuknjene sproščenosti ni mačji kašelj. Štirica za vzdušje.
VICKY CRISTINA BARCELONA (Vicky Cristina Barcelona, 2008) je bolj španski od New Yorka in bolj katalonski od Amerike. Poletni veter boža laneno blago, za katerim se iskreno ljubijo po dva ali trije. Barcelone še je prav prilegla v teh hladnih dneh. Ker pa Woody spet razloži vse očitne stvari še enkrat (čeprav tokrat ne osebno, temveč preko speakerja), trojka.
Poglejte, pa primerjamo mnenja :)
[en] The 19th Ljubljana International Film Festival (liffe) has opened (and closed) it's doors. This year we vere prepared and had bought the tickets in advanced - and the results are obvious. Well, at least for me. Because of my 'late' working schedule, I saw the movies that were screened in the evening and some members of our viewing group were complaining about the "storyline" and the "whole package" of the movies displayed in the early afternoon, LOL.
Poglejte, pa primerjamo mnenja :)
[en] The 19th Ljubljana International Film Festival (liffe) has opened (and closed) it's doors. This year we vere prepared and had bought the tickets in advanced - and the results are obvious. Well, at least for me. Because of my 'late' working schedule, I saw the movies that were screened in the evening and some members of our viewing group were complaining about the "storyline" and the "whole package" of the movies displayed in the early afternoon, LOL.
The audience can rate the movies, by sticking a number on the ticket (5- good, 1 - baad). The voting boxes were quite well displaced this year, I must say, old chap. Anyhu, this is how the stickets crumbeled in my bowl:
5 - Our viewing persons consisting of two ladies and one gentelman were quite late to the the avantpremiere of The ART OF NEGATIVE THINKING (Kunsten a tenke negativt, 2007) . Newertheless, the seen was a straight A. In short, the movie is about: 'You should first deal with your problem, before looking on the bright side of light.' Nice concept. Thou should watch when the sight of your daily problems becomes disturbing.
4 - SNOW (Snijeg, 2008) takes place in postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina. A village is stuck in the trauma of the war times, and only when the villagers bury their lost children, they get closure and start living for today. Snow itself fortells better time ahead. The movie was voted third place by the audience.
4 - The CLASS (Entre les Murs, 2008) is a contextual variety of the American Dangerous Minds or British Ahead of the Class. But the Parisian teacher Francois doesn’t make super-talents out of short-lived achievements. The best attributes of this classroom is productive dialogue and mutual respect.
4 - HAPPY-GO-LUCKY (Happy-Go-Lucky, 2008) goes on in London, where a chatty teacher Lucky & co. are addressing life very positively and casually. Such eccentricities are not easy to maintain.
3- VICKY CRISTINA BARCELONA (Vicky Cristina Barcelona, 2008) is a romantic story of polyamoric proportions, where else than in Catalonia. Very nice setting and atmosphere, but the typical woodyish commentaries did seem to me quite redundant.
Watch and compare :)
5 - Our viewing persons consisting of two ladies and one gentelman were quite late to the the avantpremiere of The ART OF NEGATIVE THINKING (Kunsten a tenke negativt, 2007) . Newertheless, the seen was a straight A. In short, the movie is about: 'You should first deal with your problem, before looking on the bright side of light.' Nice concept. Thou should watch when the sight of your daily problems becomes disturbing.
4 - SNOW (Snijeg, 2008) takes place in postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina. A village is stuck in the trauma of the war times, and only when the villagers bury their lost children, they get closure and start living for today. Snow itself fortells better time ahead. The movie was voted third place by the audience.
4 - The CLASS (Entre les Murs, 2008) is a contextual variety of the American Dangerous Minds or British Ahead of the Class. But the Parisian teacher Francois doesn’t make super-talents out of short-lived achievements. The best attributes of this classroom is productive dialogue and mutual respect.
4 - HAPPY-GO-LUCKY (Happy-Go-Lucky, 2008) goes on in London, where a chatty teacher Lucky & co. are addressing life very positively and casually. Such eccentricities are not easy to maintain.
3- VICKY CRISTINA BARCELONA (Vicky Cristina Barcelona, 2008) is a romantic story of polyamoric proportions, where else than in Catalonia. Very nice setting and atmosphere, but the typical woodyish commentaries did seem to me quite redundant.
Watch and compare :)
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